PACK A BAG FOR YOUSELF! If you plan to be there through the whole process, you will probably need your own change of clothes, tooth brush, etc...
I (Dad) am Important Too! AKA We’re Not Single Parents
"A" has been posting things about School and College lately. She's currently planning on taking two online eClasses through Cumberland County Community College. She is currently working on the path towards a Masters in Social work so that she will be a LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker). When we hit a small financial aid roadblock recently, people... Continue Reading →
Proud of Myself and “A”.
So... Today, I stood up for myself! That's not an easy thing for me to do really. I tend to be quite meek and submissive when it comes to confrontation. I let doctors tell me something contrary to how I feel, and I just accept it. But today, at WalMart... When I went to pick... Continue Reading →
Nervous, Scared, Frightened…. Relived :)
So today I had my intake with my new Psych APN whom will be handling my Psych Med Management. I was very nervous, scared, and frightened going into this, because I had issues with last round of medications I was prescribed (side effects) and missed a followup appointment with my previous APN and was fully... Continue Reading →
Still Sick, Starving, Nauseous
So I ended up in the ER again yesterday. I spent the first 6 hours of the day with really bad diarrhea, and it got worse from there. After spending a while sitting in the ER, I was taken back. Given IV Fluids, and taken to CT for a scan of my stomach (with contrast).... Continue Reading →
Pictures, Planning, Procrastinating….
So we start with PICTURES! Here is a 3D Ultrasound pic of our Baby's Foot! And here is one of his Hand! Now we were hoping for a nice 3D profile, but he was being Stubborn. He decided he wanted to lay with his face toward's mommy's spine/back. Now for Planning... "A" has been... Continue Reading →
I HATE being sick!
I also REALLY hate going to the ER as I feel the ER is where you go if you are in eminent fear of death.
Hot, Sticky, and Sicky?
The OB said it didn't appear to be strep "YET"
Banana ChocoChip Smoothie
I was surprised that it had such a distinctly new taste.
Baby’s First Practical Joke
"Our NICU is NOT capable of caring for a baby this young, and most of the NICU's in the area, won't take a transfer of a baby less than 24 weeks"