So, last week, A and I were told that Liam's LAST dose of Antibiotic would be on October 17th at 10:30 pm. As such, we assumed that meant he would be discharged on the 18th, in the morning. But TODAY, we found out they MIGHT push up his LAST dose of Antibiotic "a few hours"... Continue Reading →
Ninja Baby Has Arrived… And He’s Sick :(
NinjaBaby - Male, 7lbs, 20 inches, 9 and 9 (at 1 and 5 minutes) on the Apgar, was Born October 7th, 9:03am Eastern. So we recently got the news, that while doing a routine blood test there was evidence that he might have an infection. As such, our little NinjaBaby gets to keep his IV... Continue Reading →
10 (or more) things DAD should do to prepare for Induction/Labor
PACK A BAG FOR YOUSELF! If you plan to be there through the whole process, you will probably need your own change of clothes, tooth brush, etc...
Still Sick, Starving, Nauseous
So I ended up in the ER again yesterday. I spent the first 6 hours of the day with really bad diarrhea, and it got worse from there. After spending a while sitting in the ER, I was taken back. Given IV Fluids, and taken to CT for a scan of my stomach (with contrast).... Continue Reading →
I HATE being sick!
I also REALLY hate going to the ER as I feel the ER is where you go if you are in eminent fear of death.
Baby’s First Practical Joke
"Our NICU is NOT capable of caring for a baby this young, and most of the NICU's in the area, won't take a transfer of a baby less than 24 weeks"