So it was memorial day weekend, and all the "Bennies" (that's what 'we' in NJ call tourists, especially from the NY area), were blocking up all the roads, and the beaches/boardwalks were packed. So we took a chance, and headed to SixFlags Great Adventure. As I've stated before, we are only about 25 miles away,... Continue Reading →
SixFlags via My Phone….
So today we went to SixFlags in the evening. It was the day before easter. I brought my Sony A6000 and my SEL55210 55-210mm lens. As we went through the bag scanners, the security guard says "big camera" and I said "Where? I brought the small camera today!". The last time I was at six... Continue Reading →
JACKSON: SixFlags Great Adventure – Opening Day 2019
So Saturday was opening day, or possibly still pre-season, we aren't sure. But they are open for weekends this point forward. I had a chance to take some great pictures so I thought I would share them. -R
SixFlags! We’re Back!
this is the kind of service I have learned to expect from other places, but decidedly NOT Six Flags
Non Baby Day!
It was nice to have a day to ourselves, and outside the house.