So it was memorial day weekend, and all the "Bennies" (that's what 'we' in NJ call tourists, especially from the NY area), were blocking up all the roads, and the beaches/boardwalks were packed. So we took a chance, and headed to SixFlags Great Adventure. As I've stated before, we are only about 25 miles away,... Continue Reading →
Missing Pieces & Complete Pictures
A goes "Well you like Strawberry Smithies, that means you should like and eat Strawberries too" and so in the blink of an eye he turned it around on her with "Well you like Broccoli right?" to which A answered "Yes" and he relied "Well, would you want to eat a broccoli smoothie?" and he had her.
Surfing / Beach Day (With NinjaBaby Pics)
HUGE Thanks to all of POAC, and everyone helping with the Surfing Event. Also great thanks to "M" for taking NinjaBaby out into the surf and just making sure he had a blast.
I've never posted here before, and that's mainly because I update Facebook often. As mom to our awesome ninjababy, I thought what I'm about to say deserves more than a Facebook update. We found out two days ago that he has Autism. There, I said it. My son is on the Autism spectrum. Most of... Continue Reading →
I’m so proud, yet so sad…
I love my NinjaBaby, and I really am proud of all the progress he has made, but as I said... I still want to just cry.
Special Needs? Change? Can I Handle it All?
So as many of you know, or maybe don't, our Little NinjaBaby is currently classified as "Special Needs". I say that in quotes not because I'm ashamed of it, but because I don't want to take away from kids whom have greater needs.