To compare Busch Gardens to Six Flags or even Disney, doesn't do anyone any favors. I mean it has a lot of thrill rides and coasters like Six Flags, but it has hospitality more like Disney while the over all park theming, and beauty, is just on it's own plane of existence.
SixFlags via My Phone….
So today we went to SixFlags in the evening. It was the day before easter. I brought my Sony A6000 and my SEL55210 55-210mm lens. As we went through the bag scanners, the security guard says "big camera" and I said "Where? I brought the small camera today!". The last time I was at six... Continue Reading →
Best Day Ever – VIDEO!
Edited/cut-together video from my Polaroid XS100 action camera that I used to film the Best Day Surfing event in Point Pleasant, NJ
Best Day Ever! Surfing 2018!
The thing is, we didn't go to Disney today, yet it still feels like the "Best Day Ever!" -- With Surfing Pictures
NinjaBaby Swims! (With Pictures)
Today did not start off well. I was sick as can be most last week, and wasn't feeling any better today. We offered him the choice of going to nearby SixFlags or the condo complex pool. He chose the pool!
Parks, Roadmaps, and Manuals…
As we get adventurous in our activities (Zoo's in other states, yearly Disney Trips, regular excursions to Six Flags, etc) one thing continues to amaze me. That's how much fun, our little NinjaBaby still gets out of going to the park. No matter if it's the local park just down the street from where we... Continue Reading →
SixFlags! We’re Back!
this is the kind of service I have learned to expect from other places, but decidedly NOT Six Flags
Surfing / Beach Day (With NinjaBaby Pics)
HUGE Thanks to all of POAC, and everyone helping with the Surfing Event. Also great thanks to "M" for taking NinjaBaby out into the surf and just making sure he had a blast.
Toledo Zoo (with NinjaBaby Pics!)
We met up with A's two friends K and K so this will become a completely ambiguous at points! 😛
Cleveland Zoo
I will have pictures of A and NinjaBaby in the next post about the Toledo Zoo, but today it's just Animals, plants and an artificial waterfall. 🙂