Best Day Ever! Surfing 2018!

So in the Disney world “Best Day Ever” is over used quite a lot. It’s used by most people to describe just about every visit to Disney. Because honestly, when you are a Disney Geek/Nerd, any and every visit actually feels like “The Best Day Ever!”.

The thing is, we didn’t go to Disney today, yet it still feels like the “Best Day Ever!”.

Sure we are sore, and over-tired. Our feet have been “exfoliated” raw by walking barefoot in the sand, and some of us are sunburned, but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!

Some of you might be thinking we’ve done this before, and while you wouldn’t be entirely wrong, you wouldn’t be entirely accurate either.

So a couple months ago, A found out about the existence of an organization called the Best Day Foundation.

From their website:

Best Day Foundation is a volunteer organization that helps childrenĀ  and young adults ages 4 -24 with special needs build confidence and self-esteem through safe, fun, adventure activities like surfing, bodyboarding, kayaking, snow sports, and more.

And from our experience today, they are quite awesome. Liam’s buddies P, and R were quite excellent. They attended to NinjaBaby’s every need, and kept us in the loop, while at the same time we didn’t need to be right on top of him the whole time, so I could get some extra pictures of other surfers as well as the billions I normally take of the NinjaBaby.

With awesome catering from SurfTaco and sponsorship from Cliff for energy supplements, it really was a well orchestrated day that catered to everyone’s needs, wants, and desires.

I would love to bore you with a ton of words on how great the event was. What it all entailed, and how NinjaBaby got a great medal from SpiderMan, but instead I will let a picture be worth a thousand words, or in this case, 131 Pictures be worth a lot more than that.


P.S. We have video, and will get that up as soon as we can, in a new post!


One thought on “Best Day Ever! Surfing 2018!

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  1. I was so happy that #NinjaBaby got into the #water on the #surfboard, not only once, but 3 whole times! And he wanted to go more if they had more time! Plus, #SuperMan!

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