Pictures, Planning, Procrastinating….

So we start with PICTURES!

Here is a 3D Ultrasound pic of our Baby’s Foot!

And here is one of his Hand!

29weeks-4Days---HandNow we were hoping for a nice 3D profile, but he was being Stubborn. He decided he wanted to lay with his face toward’s mommy’s spine/back.


Now for Planning…

“A” has been spending a LOT of time looking up breastfeeding safe meds that she can take and breastfeed the baby. We are working with an experienced APN and the OB.

We’ve also picked out our Pediatrician for the baby already and are ready to schedule an appointment to0 meet with them ahead of time, and make sure they are all that their reputation seems to show them to be.

We’ve also got information on “A””s baby shower. Her Mom wants to throw the shower AFTER the baby is born. Probably LATE  September or Early October.

As for procrastination, we’ve been doing that a lot too.

We just started working on getting the essentials we need for the baby to come home to (few clothes, looking at breast pumps, looking into purchasing a 2nd hand bassinet, car-seat, stroller, etc). Most of the procrastination is my fault, as I want to wait till we are settled in a new place, but I’ve been procrastinating a bit on that too, and being sick this week has NOT helped that one bit.

So please, enjoy the pictures, and we will let you all know more about the baby-shower when it is time!






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