Science Central: Ft Wayne, Indiana (NinjaBaby Pics Inside)

So Earlier this week we started out on a trip cross country, bringing the whole gang with us. There is of course Myself (R), A, N, C and the NinjaBaby.

We started our trip out with a brief trip to NYC where we met up with a friend, K and had a fun time.

We stayed the night in an very inexpensive, but quite nice RedRoof plus+ in Secaucus, NJ and then started our journey WEST. We drove along I-80 through Pennsylvania, Ohio and are currently in Auburn, Indiana with our friend B, but we will be continuing on from here shortly but I thought I’d do a post from here showing some fun we’ve had.

We started out on Friday with B making us a great Eggs and Sausage Links breakfast and then drove to Ft Wayne, Indiana where we went to Science Central. We had a chance to go to the Zoo instead but the weather was being uncooperative and decided on an inside outing instead.

The NinjaBaby had a GREAT time at Science Central, but chose to spend most of his time at the Kids Central with the other toddlers playing with all kinds of hands on things. Here are some pictures.


4 thoughts on “Science Central: Ft Wayne, Indiana (NinjaBaby Pics Inside)

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  1. Looks like fun! We are doing the same thing, just the other direction! WOW, we were hoping to see you in NJ or wherever you are living now. You should have contacted Brian in NY, he would have loved to see you.

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