Surfing / Beach Day (With NinjaBaby Pics)

Wow! Yesterday was a great day. Right after picking up A from her job (She’s currently a bus Aide for a local school district, more on that later) we headed to Seaside Heights to join in the tail end of a Surfing Event being put on by Parents Of Autistic Children (POAC.Net).

We’ve been doing things with POAC and attending support meetings since before we had NinjaBaby’s diagnosis, mainly because with his speech delay and other issues we were seeking support outside the house from people that really understood what was going on. They are a welcoming bunch, always willing to listen, and support, and just a fun group of people to be around.

So without further adieu, here are the previously promised NinjaBaby Pics!

HUGE Thanks to all of POAC, and everyone helping with the Surfing Event. Also great thanks to “M” for taking NinjaBaby out into the surf and just making sure he had a blast.

Also for other people that were at yesterdays event in Seaside Heights, I have good shots of at least 2 more children surfing not long before the event broke up. I don’t want to share the pictures publicly but contact me here, or facebook or my email (if you got my card) so I can share pictures with you. Next time I will show up early and take as many pictures as I can!



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