Treasure Abound! Join RNB and NJAW on a Jersey Shore Pirate Adventure!

So for the 2nd year in a row, A, myself and the NinjaBaby were all able to partake in the Jersey Shore Pirate Adventure event.

For those that don’t know, NJAW (or New Jersey Autism Warriors) are the online-facebook support-group for POAC (Parents of Autistic Children) here in New Jersey.

The NJ Autism Warriors Facebook Page is the online support group for POAC where parents can learn from the experts (other parents) and enjoy the company of others living our life. Please note, this is a closed Facebook page only open to parents of children with autism. You can request to join by clicking on the link below.

POAC Website

Now The Jersey Shore Pirates have been plundering the Jersey Shore for 11 years and they were recently crowned the best pirate sailing excursion in 2019.

Your mini mates will have the opportunity to dress-up like pirates, get face painted with pirate “tattoos”, and learn some pirate lingo before setting sail on an hour and fifteen minute long action packed adventure. Once on board, the mates will participate in an interactive treasure hunt on the high seas. They will learn the rules of the Sea Gypsy II pirate ship, read a treasure map, discover a secret message in a bottle, and work as a team to defeat the enemy pirate who has stolen the keys to their treasure. Prepare to man our famous water cannons to win back the keys from our nemesis Pirate Pete! Once we have won back the keys, we’re off in search of the sunken treasure. X marks the spot for our crew’s hard earned spoils. The mates will use all of their might to hoist the treasure from the seas below onto the Sea Gypsy II. Their reward: each child takes with them a handful of loot and a lifetime of authentic pirate tales to tell. The adventure continues when the crew discovers a secret stash of Pete’s Grog and celebrates as we safely return to port.

Jersey Shore Pirates Website

Now, as the quote from the Jersey Shore Pirates states, you start out with some fun on the land, before you take to the sea. You recieve your pirate tatoo’s, your pirate gear, and a rousing introduction to life as a pirate and a bit of what is in-store for your little sailors.

Once you are on board, you are faced with a search for a pirate map, treasure, and the evil pirates that have taken the keys to the treasure!

Once the bottle is found, and it is known (after a little confusion) that Pirate Pete has the keys, it’s off to find Pirate Pete! The kids get to battle Pete with the water cannons on board the ship and have a great time doing it!

Now once you have the keys, it’s just a simple case of finding the treasure using the map, and once the treasure is on board, every mate gets a share!

But once the treasure is in, the adventure is not over. After finding some GROG randomly floating in the ocean, and taking a group picture with the Jersey Shore Pirates Banner (image not used, since it shows the faces of other kids), the kids decide to play a joke on the captain that results in him being so scared, that, well… Well I’m going to leave that up to your imagination.

Now before I sign off, I want to state, that while the pirate adventure is geared towards your kids, there is plenty of humor for the adults involved, lots of word play, and fun for every family member.

If you are just willing to enter this adventure wanting to have some fun, I can guarantee you will find it here. You even get a nice view of the Metedeconk River



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