SixFlags via My Phone….

So today we went to SixFlags in the evening. It was the day before easter. I brought my Sony A6000 and my SEL55210 55-210mm lens.

As we went through the bag scanners, the security guard says “big camera” and I said “Where? I brought the small camera today!”. The last time I was at six flags I used my Sony A77mII And 80-200mm Tokina AT-X f2.8 lens. Thats a big combination.

So after using the A6000 for a few test shots, and then several shots of the NinjaBaby with Tweety Bird and sylvester, I decided to give myself a challenge. You see the 5 cameras on the Samsung S10 Plus provide an ample selection of Modes and Methods for obtaining awesome images and as anyone will tell you I am a big proponent of the saying “The Photographer matters more than the Camera”.

So that being said I tossed my Sony Mirrorless Camera inside A’s backpack and proceeded to ise my phone as much as possible. Below you will find a selection of photos taken at SixFlags using the Samsung Camera app and edited with Google Snapseed while walking in the park.

The following were taken using various photo effects, but not edited persay.

The New WonderWoman Lasso Of Truth… When finished this ride will peak with people (not me) upside down at double that height…. Spinning…
Jumping Joey… The NinjaBaby did this ride 6 times in a row….

And this is one of the photos from the A6000 and SEL55210


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