So for the 2nd year in a row, A, myself and the NinjaBaby were all able to partake in the Jersey Shore Pirate Adventure event. For those that don't know, NJAW (or New Jersey Autism Warriors) are the online-facebook support-group for POAC (Parents of Autistic Children) here in New Jersey. The NJ Autism Warriors Facebook... Continue Reading →
BUSCH GARDENS: Day Two – And we are a little bit taller now…
Now as I mentioned yesterday, make sure your little ninja wears shoes for at least the measuring process. Thin-sole shoes will actually put shorter children at a disadvantage. Again, this is NOT cheating.
JACKSON: SixFlags Great Adventure – Opening Day 2019
So Saturday was opening day, or possibly still pre-season, we aren't sure. But they are open for weekends this point forward. I had a chance to take some great pictures so I thought I would share them. -R
Parks, Roadmaps, and Manuals…
As we get adventurous in our activities (Zoo's in other states, yearly Disney Trips, regular excursions to Six Flags, etc) one thing continues to amaze me. That's how much fun, our little NinjaBaby still gets out of going to the park. No matter if it's the local park just down the street from where we... Continue Reading →
SixFlags! We’re Back!
this is the kind of service I have learned to expect from other places, but decidedly NOT Six Flags
Surfing / Beach Day (With NinjaBaby Pics)
HUGE Thanks to all of POAC, and everyone helping with the Surfing Event. Also great thanks to "M" for taking NinjaBaby out into the surf and just making sure he had a blast.